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Google Scholar Profile. Please feel free to email me for reprints. *student co-author. Updated Jan 1 2022 Cover Photos


43) Recio, P*, DC Leibold, OL Crino, Wild, KH, CR Friesen, B Mauclaire, AY Peardon, DWA Noble. 2024. Early environmental conditions do not impact behavioural flexibility in an invasive and non-invasive lizard species. Animal Behaviour

42) Friesen CR, M Olsson. 2024 Polyandry and female postcopulatory choice. Ed R M Kliman  Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology, 2nd Edition. Elsevier

41) Crino OL†, KH Wild, CR Friesen, D Leibold•, N Laven, AY Peardon, P Recio•, K Salin, DWA Noble. 2024. From eggs to adulthood: sustained effects of early developmental temperature and corticosterone exposure on physiology and body size in an Australian lizard. Journal of Experimental Biology 

40)   Whittington CM†, Hodgson M, Friesen CR. 2024. Convergent evolution of pregnancy in Vertebrates. Annual Review of Animal Biosciences

39) Friesen CR, EJ Uhrig, RT Mason. 2022. Dehydrated males are less likely to dive into the mating pool. Behavioral Ecology

38) Ritchie, DJ*, CR Friesen. 2022. Invited review: Thermal effects on oxidative stress in vertebrate ectotherms. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology

37) Friesen CR, E Wapstra, M Olsson. 2021. Of telomeres and temperature: measuring thermal effects on telomeres in ectothermic vertebrates. Special issue on Telomeres in Ecology and Evolution in Molecular Ecology

36) Van Dyke JU, M Thompson et al. 2021. Australian lizards are outstanding models for reproductive biology research. Australian Journal of Zoology 

35) Kar F*, S Nakagawa, CR Friesen, D Nobel. 2021. Individual variation in thermal plasticity and its impact on mass-scaling. Okios

34) Friesen CR, MR Wilson, N Rollings*, J Sudyka, M Giraudeau, CM Whittington, and M Olsson. 2021Exercise training has morph-specific effects on telomere, body condition and growth dynamics in a color-polymorphic lizard. Journal of Experimental Biology

33) Friesen CR, RT Mason, EJ Uhrig. 2021. Postcopulatory sexual selection as a driver of sex- and population-specific kidneys mass in garter snakes? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 

32) Friesen CR, AF Kahrl, M Olsson. 2020. Sperm competition in squamate reptiles. Special Issue 50 years of sperm competition in  Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B

31) Friesen CR, DWA Noble, M Olsson. 2020. The role of oxidative stress in postcopulatory selection. Special Issue 50 years of sperm competition in  Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B

30) Friesen CR, N Rollings*, M Wilson, CM Whittington, R Shine, M Olsson. 2020. Covariation in superoxide, sperm telomere length and velocity in a polymorphic reptile. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.

29) Lindsay WR, CR Friesen, C Sihlbom, J Bergström, E Berger, M Wilson, M Olsson. 2020. Vitellogenin offsets oxidative costs of reproduction in female painted dragon lizards. Journal of Experimental Biology

28) Whittington CM, CR Friesen. 2020. The evolution of male viviparity from egg-brooding in syngnathid fishes. Biological Reviews. 

27) Rollings N*, HL Waye, RW Krohmer, EJ Uhrig, RT Mason, M Olsson, CM Whittington, CR Friesen. 2020. Sperm telomere length correlates with blood telomeres and body size in red-sided garter snakes, Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis. Journal of Zoology

26) Friesen CR, R Shine. 2019. At the invasion front, male cane toads (Rhinella marina) have smaller testes. Biology Letters

25) Friesen CR, SP de Graaf, and M Olsson. 2019. The relationship of body condition, superoxide dismutase and superoxide with sperm performance. Behavioral ecology

24) Rollings N*, CR Friesen, CM Whittington, R Johansson*, R Shine, M Olsson. 2019. Sex-and tissue-specific based differences in telomere length in a reptile. Ecology and Evolution

23) Pauliny, A, E Miller, N Rollings*, E Wapstra, D Blomqvist, CR Friesen, M Olsson. 2018. Effects of male telomeres on probability of paternity in sand lizards. Biology Letters

22) Olsson M, CR Friesen, N Rollings*, J Sudyka*, W Lindsay, CM Whittington, M Wilson. 2018. Long term effects of superoxide and DNA repair on lizard telomeres. Molecular Ecology

21) Olsson M, E Wapstra, CR Friesen. 2018. Ectothermic Telomeres: it’s time they came in from the cold (Invited review). Special Issue on telomere biology in  Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 

20) Chen W, L Peng, L Jiang, DA Pike, CR Friesen, G Brown. 2018. High altitude frogs (Rand kukonoris) adopt a diversified bet-hedging strategy in the face of environmental unpredictability. Asian Herpetological Research 

19) Hurley* LL, CS McDiarmid*, CR Friesen, SC Griffith, M Rowe. 2018. Experimental heatwaves negatively impact sperm quality in the zebra finch. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 

18) Olsson M, E Wapstra, CR Friesen. 2018Evolutionary Ecology of Telomeres: a Review. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

17) Friesen CR, EJ Uhrig, E Bentz*, L Blakemore*, RT Mason. 2017. Correlated evolution of sexually selected traits:  Interspecific variation in ejaculates, sperm morphology, copulatory mate-guarding and body size in two sympatric species of garter snakes.  Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.

16) Friesen CR, Johansson, R*, Olsson M. 2017. Morph-specific metabolic rate and the timing of reproductive senescence in a color polymorphic dragon. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A:  Ecological and Integrative Physiology. 

15) Friesen, CR, DR Powers, RT Mason. 2017. Using whole-group metabolic rate and behaviour to assess the energetics of courtship in red-sided garter snakes. Animal Behaviour

14) McDiarmid C*, CR Friesen, C Ballen, M Olsson. 2017. Sexual colouration and sperm performance in the Australian painted dragon lizard, Ctenophorus pictus. Journal of Evolutionary Biology

13) Rollings N*, EJ Uhrig, RW Krohmer, HL Waye, RT Mason, M Olsson, CMWhittington, CR Friesen. 2017. Age-related sex differences in body condition and telomere dynamics of red-sided garter snakes.  Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

12) Friesen CR, MR Wilson, N Rollings*, J Sudyka*, CM Whittington, M Giraudeau, M Olsson. 2017. Conditional handicaps in exuberant lizards: Bright color in aggressive males is correlated with high levels of free radicals. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (Invited chapter)

11) Rollings, N*, CR Friesen, J Sudyka*, CM Whittington, M Giraudeau, M Olsson. 2017. Telomere dynamics in a lizard with morph-specific reproductive investment and self-maintenance. Ecology and Evolution

10) Friesen CR, EJ Uhrig, RT Mason, PLR Brennan. 2016. Female behaviour and the interaction of male and female genital traits mediate sperm transfer during mating. Journal of Evolutionary Biology

9) Friesen CR, M Olsson. 2016. Polyandry and female post-copulatory choice. (Invited book chapter) Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology, Academic Press: Oxford, p307-316

8) M Giraudeau, CR Friesen, J Sudyka*, N Rollings*, C Whittington, M Wilson, M Olsson. 2016Aging and the cost of maintaining coloration in the Australian Painted dragon. Biology Letters

7) Friesen CR, DR Powers, PE Copenhaver*, RT Mason. 2015Size dependence in non-sperm ejaculate production is reflected in daily energy expenditure and resting metabolic rate. Journal of Experimental Biology

6) Friesen CR, EJ Uhrig, RT Mason. 2014Females remate more frequently when mated with sperm‐deficient males. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology

5) Friesen CR, AR Kerns*, RT Mason. 2014Factors influencing paternity in multiply mated female red-sided garter snakes and the persistent use of sperm stored over winter. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology

4) Friesen CR, MK Squire*, RT Mason. 2014Intrapopulational variation of ejaculate traits and sperm depletion in red‐sided garter snakes. Journal of Zoology

3) Friesen CR, EJ Uhrig, MK Squire*, RT Mason, PLR Brennan. 2014Sexual conflict over mating in red-sided garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis) as indicated by experimental manipulation of genitalia. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences


2) Friesen CR, RT Mason, SJ Arnold, S Estes. 2013 Patterns of sperm use in two populations of Red-sided Garter Snake (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) with long-term female sperm storage. Canadian Journal of Zoology

1) Friesen CR, R Shine, RW Krohmer, RT Mason. 2013Not just a chastity belt: the functional significance of mating plugs in garter snakes, revisited. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society


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